Processing your emotions is Not Easy
Grief- ie:- our Response to Rejection, requires attention. Grief comes at different levels, and can be Concrete, (as in the meaningful loss of a dear one), or Complex, (when following Grose Disappointment). In the First Place, recognize that your Grief is Real and Valid, and then give yourself Permission to Grieve. Often we discount our Grief, thinking of Worst State Scenarios. Part of the healing Process, is to Spend all the time you need to Process your Loss, and Plan your Recovery Process. Engage in Mindful Activities for healing, rather than Mindless Activities, that are just distraction. Consider the P.A.T.H. approach.
-Pause – Stop and Think through you Plan
-Acknowledge – What you are feeling and Why
-Think -About what you are Feeling, and how you are going to Follow Through
-Help -Devise your Plan of Healing, and reach out for Support if you need to