Let's talk about relationships

Let’s Talk about Relationships

Unfortunately, with the increase of the “Lassaix-Faire/Instant Gratification Life Style”, there is little attempt to develop Relationships, and show consideration for others. Self-Indulgence is a priority, and unfortunately, we see a dramatic rise in the Pornography Industry, with the Degradation of Women, and the Sexual Obsession, Addiction, and Offensiveness of Men. This leads to a lack of Commitment to Nurturing and Parenting. Indeed we see an increase of the two Dysfunctional Personality types;- The Sociopath and the Workless – two types so aptly described by Dr William Glasser in 1964. Both types can present as being likeable and appealing, as they seek attention through Power, Freedom and Fun, however both personalities struggle with commitment, and have little or no consideration for others.

When making a Commitment to a permanent Relationship, we travel toward success if we approach the situation with Critical Thinking, (ie;- in a positive way, weighing-up all the odds of the Relationships and Consequences), forming an “Academic Analysis”. This approach being very different from Criticism;- which is an approach peppered with Disconnecting Habits, delivering a “Negative Judgement”. Even with a strong commitment to a relationship, if both parties are not equally committed, then the Relationship will Fold. Criticism is a very destructive Disconnecting Habit, particularly to an Intimate Relationship.